Vector Images

The VectorImage control displays a non-interactive image to the user. This can be used for decoration, icons, etc, and the image can also be changed from a script to reflect changes in other controls. The control is similar to Unity's Image control…

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The MaterialUIScaler is a component designed to replace or compliment Unity's CanvasScaler and help keep track of the scene's scaling settings.    A MaterialUIScaler in the inspector. Members Methods Details Each root Canvas that contains MaterialUI elements will need to have a…

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When creating games and applications for various devices, making sure that your UI looks consistent and scales well between screen resolutions, aspect ratios, and pixel densities can prove to be a challenge. Fortunately, MaterialUI is designed with this in mind, providing…

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Helper Components

This is a list of the Components in MaterialUI that are designed to work with other components to apply visual or other effects, or perform miscellaneous tasks.

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The Slider control allows the user to select a numeric value from a predetermined range by dragging the pointer. Be sure to check out the Unity Slider component, and the Material Design Guidelines on Sliders. A slider. A MaterialSlider component in the…

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Input Fields

An Input Field is a way to make the text of a Text Control editable. Be sure to check out the Unity InputField component, and the Material Design Guidelines on Text Fields. An Input Field. An InputField component in the inspector.…

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The Ripple component enables a graphic to display an ink blot effect when interacted with. A panel containing a MaterialRipple component. A MaterialButton in the inspector. Properties Coming soon! Details Coming soon!

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The Toggle control is a checkbox, radiobutton, or switch that allows the user to toggle an option on or off. Be sure to check out the Unity Toggle component, and the Material Design Guidelines on Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, and Switches. A…

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