How can I improve draw calls?

0 votes
asked Mar 31, 2016 in Issue by Steffan Poulsen

Loving the asset so far, but I'm having some troubles getting the UI elements to batch. Or maybe the draw call cost really just is that high?

For instance - I'm using a side panel, with groups of checklist buttons. But the performance gets worse and worse the more items I have - even though they are exactly identical to eachother.

It's a bit of a game-breaker for the app i'm currently developing, so I hope you have some advice :)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 4, 2016 by admin (31,720 points)
Hey there,

What Unity/MaterialUI versions are you using? What is your target platform? Are you testing the fps on the target device, or in the editor? This info will help us with working out what could be going wrong :)

Also, is there any chance you could send us the scene in question so we could take a better look at what the cause could be?

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