I guess you have an issue because you're using a color with alpha at 0. So you don't see anything :)
Plus, colours must have values between 0 and 1, not 0 and 255. So divide everything by 255f.
Try to put new Color(25, 115, 210, 255) instead of new Color(25/255f, 115/255f, 210/255f, 0). This should work ;)
BUT! Instead of modifying the code from MaterialUI, you should do like this:
- Instead of calling DialogManager.ShowProgressLinear, you should do that:
DialogProgress dialogProgress = DialogManager.CreateProgressLinear();
dialogProgress.Initialize("bodyText", "titleText", MaterialIconHelper.GetRandomIcon(), false);
dialogProgress.progressIndicator.SetColor(new Color(25/255f, 115/255f, 210/255f, 1));
Have a great day ;)