How I can set a image in DialogProgress?

0 votes
asked May 2, 2016 in Issue by Joseph Purificación
commented May 3, 2016 by admin (31,720 points)

Are you talking about the icon at the top of the dialog?
Or really adding an image in the body of the dialog?

commented May 3, 2016 by Joseph Purificación
In the body of dialog
commented May 4, 2016 by Joseph Purificación
How I can to show a image in the message:

DialogManager.ShowAlert("Info and image i want to show", "Info", MaterialIconHelper.GetRandomIcon());

Can be with Dialog.ShowAlert or i have to use another Dialog Manager MaterialUI component? Help me please

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 6, 2016 by admin (31,720 points)
selected May 7, 2016 by admin
Best answer

Hey there,

DialogManager does currently support custom dialogs, import this into a project that contains MaterialUI and check out the example scene. Hopefully it will provide what you were looking for :)

~ Declan.

commented May 10, 2016 by Joseph Purificación

Thanks, works for me! :D, but i need another help. I want to make this in DialogAlertImage: that Image Container is side in Body, I'm trying but i can't.

commented May 10, 2016 by admin (31,720 points)
Is this more what you were looking for?

~ Declan.
0 votes
answered May 4, 2016 by admin (31,720 points)
Hello Joseph,

There is currently no way to directly do that in MaterialUI, as this is a "custom" dialog that not a lot of people would use.
You should create it yourself, by just duplicating the DialogAlert prefab and script, rename them to DialogImage for example and implement it just however you like :)

If you need help with that, just tell us.

Have a great day!
commented May 5, 2016 by Joseph Purificación

Please help me , I do not know much about it. Help me making prefab and script.

commented May 6, 2016 by admin (31,720 points)
Hey there,

DialogManager does currently support custom dialogs, import this into a project that contains MaterialUI and check out the example scene. Hopefully it will provide what you were looking for :)

~ Declan.
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