Dialog pop up not interactable

+1 vote
asked Jan 28, 2016 by anonymous
Hi, I tried to recreate the example 14 setup, and I can't get any of the dialogue buttons to function. They were not interactable when it popped up. I tried to put the example14 script on different objects, and they didn't work. Anything missing?


thanks for the support on the system. :)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 29, 2016 by admin (31,720 points)

Hey there ;)

From what I understand, it seems you don't know how to use events on buttons and things like that?
If that's the case, I suggest watching this tutorial from Unity, this should fix everything ;) https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/ui/ui-button

On each button, there is a "On Click" event. You need to :

  1. Create a script with a public method to call when you click on the button (you can find various methods in Example14.cs)
  2. Attach your script on a GameObject (we'll call it "John")
  3. Create a button
  4. On the button Inspector, there is a "On Click" event, you need to drag'n'drop the GameObject John, and select the method you defined in the dropdown just below
  5. Press play and click on the button ;)
commented Jan 30, 2016 by anonymous
Thanks, but what I meant was the popup dialogues were not interactable *after I setup the button to call for them. For example, I displayed a alert with one button, I can't click on the button at all.
commented Feb 1, 2016 by admin (31,720 points)
Mind emailing a copy of your scene to contact@materialunity.com? We'll take a look at it and try and see what the issue is :)
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