Hi Ian!
(I've just answered on the forum, but I post it here too)
I've searched why this issue happens, and you're right, it's only in the Editor. You won't have this issue in builds.
The reason is that, to display toasts at the correct position, we use Screen.width and Screen.height, which returns the current window dimensions.
And here's the issue, it's the current window dimensions, not the Game View dimensions.
This mean that if you're "activating" things from the Game View (by using switches for example), it will work fine, because the current window is the GameView. But if you activate/deactivate a GameObject from the Inspector, or Hierarchy or anywhere else... well... Screen.width and Screen.height will return the dimensions of the Inspector (or Hierarchy). So that's the issue
And in builds you don't have this issue, because the current window is always the Game window!
I've submitted a bug report to Unity for that. We'll see if they fix that or not.
If you don't want this issue, just make sure you trigger everything from the GameView
Have a great day and thanks for reporting the issue!
~ Yohan