What is the correct hierarchy when you're combining a screen view with a app bar & nav drawer

+1 vote
asked Jan 24, 2016 in Issue by DEVCake
So the issue is the following, I've created an basic app setup for my project which contains three components at this time (in hierarchy follow):

- App bar
- Screen view
       Screen 1
            Tab Component
- Nav Drawer

The issue is that when I'm opening the nav drawer I'm not able to click on one of the list items because my tab view seems to be still active. So my question is if this appears to be a bug or if I'm doing something wrong. This worked in the open repo version

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 25, 2016 by admin (31,720 points)
selected Jan 25, 2016 by admin
Best answer

This seems to be a bug caused by the Canvas component on the ScreenView, making it block clicks on the navdrawer.

I'll get to work on fixing it now so it should be in a patch release coming asap, but for now, you can work around it by sticking a canvas component (and graphic raycaster component) on the navdrawer.

commented Jan 25, 2016 by DEVCake
Thank you, for the work around. Now I can continue my project
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