Dropdown list items obscured by bottom/top of screen

+1 vote
asked Feb 3, 2016 in Issue by John du Preez
Make a copy of the sample "11 - Dropdown Menus" scene

Set it up for mobile portrait use ie on the Canvas Scaler change the reference resolution from 640x360 to 360x640 and slide Match from Width to Height.

On the bottom dropdown add 7 more items by pressing the + button on the options 7 times.

Change the Max Height on the dropdown from 200 to 500.

Press play. The first time the dropdown is pressed, the bottom list items are concealed below the screen. The second time the dropdown is pressed, all the list items are correctly displayed.
This happens in the Editor and on an Android device.
commented Feb 3, 2016 by John du Preez
This is with the latest version of MaterialUI (1 Feb 2016) 1.0.2

Unity Version 5.3.1f1
commented Feb 4, 2016 by admin (31,720 points)
You mean 1.0.1? ;)

I've verified that this is indeed a bug, and should be fixed in the next version :)

~ Declan

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 5, 2016 by admin (31,720 points)
selected Feb 9, 2016 by admin
Best answer
This bug has been fixed as of the next version :)

~ Declan
commented Mar 28, 2016 by Cheras


Could you tell which part of code fixed this bug? We are stuck for now with 1.0 and would like to port it to our version.

Thank you!
commented Mar 29, 2016 by admin (31,720 points)

Well, I think this should fix your issue, but we made some other improvements on Dropdowns after that...

File 1 : http://i.imgur.com/yS05Ud0.png
File 2 : http://i.imgur.com/w7Pj60l.png

~ Yohan
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